Partner With Us
If you're passionate about helping others and have a heart for giving back, then consider partnering with us to help provide individuals with unmet prosthetic needs. We work with some of the best prosthetic care providers in the country and are always looking for ways to provide cutting-edge prosthetic care to those who need it most. By donating to our cause, you can help us make a difference in the lives of others and change the way people view prosthetic care.
Ways To Partner
Volunteering with us is a great way to support our cause. By giving your time and effort, you can help us make a difference in someones life.
In-Kind Donations
We are always in need of supplies and material donations to help us with our work. We would be grateful for any contribution you are able to make.
If you are interested in sponsoring us, please get in touch. We would be happy to discuss the various ways in which you could help us.